Ayan Sinha
4 min readApr 8, 2022


Crypto Trends to Watch in 2022

Global instability of the market, social and military disruptions, vague and unpredictable future — all of these are reasons for raising awareness and concerns about financial issues in all parts of societies in the world. What is the most secure way to save your money? Which options do we still have to invest in? What do experts think about Cryptocurrency and its actual state? Let’s have a brief look at it.

Elon Musk, one of the world-shaping entrepreneurs, believes in the financial future of cryptocurrency and thinks it can increase the efficiency of money, which he refers to as an information system. The lower the level of governmental interference into this system is, the higher the level of life should be, thinks the visionary. He considers cryptocurrencies being the most effective on the way to withdraw the political power of governments from private lives. Knowing how easy-going Musk is about supporting what he likes not only with words but financially as well, people do stand all chances to receive a prominent businessman as an ally to reinforce major cryptocurrencies.

The same believes ex-CEO of Twitter Jack Dorsey, seeing by-side expenses of real money way too distracting from real problems of the world which dreams nowadays mainly focus on interplanetary investigation and less so on single human’s happiness.

One of the main advantages of bitcoin, an exact example of cryptocurrency which is represented by many other virtual ones, is that it does not depend on central banks’ printouts and is restricted to limited but stable launching. This brings it closer to gold than to real currency. And this also makes it easier to exchange and raises its vaults’ mobility. Experts in many fields predict other countries and sovereign states and nations could acquire bitcoin as their official payment method as El Salvador did in 2021.

Trends to Watch For in 2022

Continuous Volatility in Bitcoin Prices

As volatile as it may be due to the war in Ukraine seems to continue for months from now on, bitcoin is still predicted to hit unbelievable indications later this year and in the beginning of the next. After its highest price was almost $60K per coin in November 2021, it saw a drastic decline with minor short upheavals till it lost half of its value in the end of January this year. Since that, irrespectively to the Russian aggression, it has been climbing up and now it has returned to its December position with $45K.

More Regulation

What makes bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies this attractive to users and investors besides their obvious independence from exchange oscillation and speed of transfer? It’s the freedom they imply within themselves. Freedom to invest, control, and save your own money without banks causing problems with their usually outdated technologies and approaches, and without government watching it over.

Shifting Globally Towards Defi

Since Defi is in its developing phase, it still contains risks in completely adopting decentralized finance. You can face challenges of scalability, financial credibility, credit scoring, and so on. However, we might witness some crucial changes in 2022. Investors can address this problem as Global Fintech companies have entered the market with some solutions.

This will lead to the massive adoption of Defi by banks, governments, Fintech companies, and many more. The demand for its token will increase, thereby becoming the highest growth area of crypto in 2022.

Blockchain in the Metaverse

With Facebook and Microsoft staking their claim in an online virtual world, Metaverse has become a hot topic these days. This term for first used by Neal Stephenson in the cult science fiction novel, Snow Crash.

This led crypto, NFTs, and other blockchain technology to become the crucial aspect of growing the metaverse further. It will increase ownership of identity, utility, and access to the environment will be at the crux of this virtual world.

This will enable like-minded individuals to form communities that will share experiences, develop parallel economics, and create content together.

Multiplication of Bitcoin ATMs

Since cryptocurrency is intangible, people find it arduous to trust it. However, with the installation of Bitcoin ATMs, people have started adopting it as a reality in several parts of the world. They can perceive these assets as palpable investment instruments.

There has also been an increase in the number of Bitcoin ATMs from 2015 to this year. It is allowing people to buy Bitcoin using either their credit or debit card, thereby making the currency highly alike for enthusiasts and beginners.

It will also eliminate the need for crypto brokers since people can effortlessly carry out the transactions. But, they can still wander somewhere else for better rates.

Upward trend

These trends are going to increase the value of cryptocurrency even more in 2022. With new regulations, different investment opportunities, better technologies, and top companies coming up with precise solutions, investors are very excited to trade in digital assets this year. They are going to enjoy plenty of opportunities with the help of these trends.

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Ayan Sinha

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